AirportKeeper’s Features


Optimize your airport operations, by adding AirportKeeper to your AODB system

​​Optimize your airport’s critical resources allocation as well as the performance of your teams thanks to the best connected technology and features designed for each profile.

AirportKeeper allows you to aggregate all your data sources (AODB, METAR, SITA messages, weather information) and to complete it with accurately computed data in real time.

Optimize your airport operations - Dashboard
liste des vols

Flights list

Get real-time updates of all current flights, from departure to arrival including Eurocontrol’s immatriculations. Follow the traffic evolution, anticipate your operations and mobilize your teams on time.

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Intégration des données

Data integration

Integrate all your data from multiple sources to Airport Keeper in order to obtain a consolidated view on all your operations.


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AirportKeeper has been made with and for you. Use it on all your devices, choose the information which seem relevant and define customizable/personalized alerts.

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Updates and communication

Receive updated datas and communicate flights’ information to all users in a collaborative way.

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Unforeseen events detection

Be informed in case of a flight delay, weather alerts or schedule prediction errors from the TOBT (Target Off-Block Time) in order to better adapt and plan your operations.

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Operational KPI

Follow your operations’ performance, the progress of daily programs and respect of the various milestones thanks to operational KPIs selected for you.

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Follow in real-time your KPIs evolution and the progress of your day in a blink of an eye via your dashboard.

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Consult and analyse the details of your past operations, mesure unforeseen events’ impact and identify the actions to optimise the airport’s operations.

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Reports extraction

Send daily reports, weekly or monthly to all stakeholders of your airport.

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Contribution to ATFM Network

Send your departure information to Air Traffic Flow Management (Eurocontrol in Europe) as well as the estimation of your take-off times.

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Contribution au réseau ATFM

Envoyez vos informations de départ de vol au réseau d’Eurocontrol ainsi que l’estimation de vos temps de roulage.

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Contribution au réseau ATFM

Envoyez vos informations de départ de vol au réseau d’Eurocontrol ainsi que l’estimation de vos temps de roulage.

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Information sharing

Fligths list

Visualize information concerning each flight

Flights list
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Arrival list

Consult the information and identification of flights arriving at your airport and follow the flight milestones in real time from the departure airport to your block.

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Departure list

Consult the information and registration of flights departing from your airport and follow the operations of your unit until take-off.

liste des vols

Combined list of flights

Combine flight information and their registration on departure and arrival at your airport in order to know in real time what are the upcoming movements on your platform.

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List of flight rotations

View in real time the rotations of each aircraft on the platform while viewing flight information and their registration on departure and arrival at your airport.

Data integration

Integrate all your data in AirportKeeper

Integrate data from multiple sources into the application to build a consolidated view of your operations.

Airport data integration
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AODB data integration

Integrate information from your airport operational database (AODB) in AirportKeeper and combine them with other sources to be as close as possible to your operations.

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Weather data integration

Be more responsive to weather events thanks to the integration of weather data that can impact your platform. Several formats are available according to your needs (METAR, TAF, …).

liste des vols

Eurocontrol ATC information integration

Thanks to its affiliation with the Network Manager, AirportKeeper integrates into the application information relating to air traffic flow management and in particular those related to flight actual position (ADS-B).

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Information integration

AirportKeeper integrates TypeB MVT information from SITA or ARINC in order to link airline information as well as information related to Ground Handling on the application.

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Publish a data access API

AirportKeeper publishes an open and secure REST API on demand to give access to consolidated flight data. Reintegrate this information into your already existing tools in a simple and autonomous way.

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Contribution au réseau ATFM

Envoyez vos informations de départ de vol au réseau d’Eurocontrol ainsi que l’estimation de vos temps de roulage.

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User centric

A solution built with you

AirportKeeper was designed in collaboration with airport operators. Get easily the relevant information you need at the right time.

Multi device solution for airports

Accessible on any device

Designed according to web standards and various telecommunications media, access AirportKeeper on any device connected to the Internet (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.).

Profile configuration

Customize the information displayed through profile management. Select the visible elements in the flight lists, the active alerts and their priorities, the accessible actions as well as other classic parameters such as the language for an optimized use of the application.

customizable solution for airport

Updates and communication

Exchange with your partners in a collaborative way

Update and communicate information relative to your flight operations to all your partners in a collaborative way.

Sharing information via instant messaging

Communicate real-time flight information via live chat with app users.

Sharing airport informations
Flight schedule

Manage your flight schedule through a dedicated interface for creating and updating flights.

Access the history of updates for each flight, in chronological order, so you can trace their evolution.

Manual update of flight information

Authorized user can update the flight information directly in AirportKeeper, either via a shortcut in the flight list or in detail via the flight form.

Update of flight information
Flight program management

Flight program management

Manage your flight program using an interface dedicated to creating and updating flights.

Allocation of resources

Allocate airport resources to each flight, including parking, boarding gates, gateways, buses, GPUs as well as security and border police checkpoints, via AirportKeeper.

Allocation of airport's resources

Contribution to the ATFM network

Submit your information to ATC

Help improve overall air traffic by sending your flight information to the ATFM network, via AirportKeeper, so that ATC has the information it needs to manage the flow.

Sharing information with ATC (Air Traffic Controller)
user centric

Variable taxi time prediction

AirportKeeper includes a prediction of taxiing times between the runway and the parking for each type of aircraft and company. This estimate corresponds to the one you have already defined via your taxiing time table, or the one we can create from the data history of your operations.

Extraction de rapports

Sending departure information

The planned departure information is sent to the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM – Eurocontrol in Europe) network in order to share the precise estimated time of aircraft take-offs. These data, coupled with SID information, allow ATFM algorithms to track flows and verify the overhead network capabilities.


Optimize your bus fleet management

With the BUS module, have the ability to track in real-time the bus routes allocated to flights. Allocate missions to buses, track progress in real-time, and invoice more accurately. Drivers can update data in real-time, and you can display flight-related data directly on the bus to enhance the passenger experience at your airport.

Surface Manager

Visualize all the traffic around your airport

The Surface Manager module allows you to display any vehicle traveling within 5 to 10km around your airport. Whether it’s a drone, aircraft, or bus, define what you want to display and avoid any problems related to drone traffic around your airport.

Add this module to your AMAN – DMAN to have increased precision of actual block time, arrival, and departure times updated with the Surface Manager.

drone aeroport detection, avion, bus, drone tracking<br />

Monitoring of operations

Unforeseen events detection

Be alerted in real time of Unforeseen events

Receive an alert in case of delay, flight change or unexpected event to adjust your reaction and mobilize your teams at the right time.

ATFM departure Slot alerts (CTOT WAIT)

Receive an alert when an aircraft is parked for more than 20 minutes due to a slot set by ATC and adjust the allocation of your resources accordingly.

ATFM departure Slot alerts
Weather alert

Weather alert

Be alerted to the onset of a meteorological phenomenon that could impact your operations with the integration of METAR and TAF.

Ground operation alert (TOBT_UPDATE)

Thanks to its departure time prediction algorithm (POBT), receive an alert when the communicated TOBT is not compatible with the operations in progress at the ground handling level.

Ground operation alert (TOBT_UPDATE)
Late arrivals alert (LATE_ARRIVAL)

Late arrivals alert (LATE_ARRIVAL)

Receive an alert when an arrival estimate is more than 15 minutes late at the block is detected.

Operational KPI’s

Monitor your operational performance

With AirportKeeper, follow at a glance the most relevant operational performance indicators for your operations.

Monitoring the progress of the program

Know where you are with your day’s operations and detect any possible flight schedule mismatches by tracking the progress of the day’s schedule.

Monitoring the progress of the program

Taxiing monitoring

At a glance you can see how many planes are currently taxiing on the platform as well as the average taxi time since the start of the day.

Taxiing monitoring
Taxiing monitoring

Monitoring of arrival / day rotation performance

Appreciate the punctuality of arrival and rotation since the start of the day thanks to the monitoring, accessible from the list of arrived flights. A more detailed version of this indicator can be accessed through the dashboard functionality.

Monitoring of arrival / day rotation performance

Daily departure / rotation performance monitoring

Appreciate the punctuality of departure and rotation since the start of the day thanks to the monitoring, accessible from the list of departing flights. A more detailed version of this indicator can be accessed through the dashboard functionality.

Daily departure / rotation performance monitoring
Daily departure / rotation performance monitoring

Monitoring of ATFM slots

Know if you are respecting the ATFM slot imposed by air traffic control since the start of the day thanks to the slot compliance monitoring accessible from the list of departing flights.

Monitoring of ATFM slots


Follow the evolution of your performance

Follow in real time the evolution of your performance indicators for the current day via the dashboard. Access the details of each indicator grouped by company or by type of flight.

Dashboard - Airport Performance
liste des vols

Detailed monitoring of the day's program

View the load on the block planned, carried out and updated according to the schedules associated with the departure and arrival flow. Details of each indicator grouped by company are available for consultation.

Intégration des données

Detailed departure/arrival performance monitoring

Measure departure, arrival and rotation punctuality with the breakdown of the theft rate integrated into each delay slot. Details of each indicator grouped by company are available for consultation.

liste des vols

Detailed ATFM slot monitoring

Know how many flights have had a slot since the start of the day as well as the number of flights at risk of not keeping it. Details of each indicator grouped by company are available for consultation.

liste des vols

Detailed ATFM slot monitoring

Know how many flights have had a slot since the start of the day as well as the number of flights at risk of not keeping it. Details of each indicator grouped by company are available for consultation.

Post-operations analysis


Analyze the details of your operations

Consult the details of past operations and analyze the events and their impact on the flights.

Multi-day dashboard

Multi-day dashboard

Using the history of flight information, select flights over a period of time to view their update histories as well as the performance indicators associated with that period.

Data export

Export the selected flight information in Excel format in order to save it and import it in thrid party tools

Airport Data Export
Flight book

Consulting the flight book

Access the update history for each flight through the flight instant messaging feature.

Extraction of reports

Send reports to your teams

Send daily, weekly or monthly reports to other users as needed.

Send automatic reports

Reports are automatically sent by email to interested users.

Automatic reports to airport's stakeholders

Performance reports

The performance report includes the key indicators of on-time arrival, departure and rotation as well as their details.

Performance reports to airport's stakeholders
Performance reports to airport's stakeholders

Ready to test AirportKeeper ?

Our team is at your disposal to make you discover our software.

Customized solution

Need a customized solution?

AirportKeeper is committed to meeting the needs of all airports.

If you have a need for additional functionality or to upgrade to a larger solution, please contact us to let us know.